April 13, 2009

This weeks history assignment was to write a mock-letter-to-the-editor in the local newletter.

If you would like to learn more, click here

Dear Sir,
The slaves are freed! Well, they're supposed to be. What does "freedom" really mean? Thats a question that is going through many former freed slaves minds right now.

I have just gotten back from a visit to the south, and I am deeply concerned for the freed Blacks. I thought I should start out explaining their condition to you.

The Blacks have no shelter. They are in dire need of food, and clothing.

The southerners are not treating blacks with equality. Southerners are killing the Blacks, and taking all sources of education away from the blacks who thirst for knowledge. They are treating them with unjustice!

Some people are starting to think, "Why did we fight the war in the first place? I mean, isn't slavery still here?"

1.We could take three major steps in improving their plight by organizing a group in the North who will teach the freed blacks how to read, and write.

2.We could have a food drive. Everyone. We could pitch in food to give to the freed slaves that had no money to purchase or grow their own crops. Or to the southerners whose land had been destoryed during the Civil War.

3. Be a friend

Thank you, Sir, for taking your time to read my letter. I hope that this will inspire you, as well as many others, to have a better understanding and outlook of the freed slaves.

Emma Corder


  1. Maybe it's a girl editor. Anyhow, nice job. Your points were very well conveyed.

  2. Could be! thx for readin' and commentin'.

  3. Is it that hard to spell "thanks" correctly?

  4. Dear Miss Corder - As editor of the newspaper I want you know that we have accepted your letter and will print it in our next edition. Yes, though the slaves are freed, they are still not "free" in many ways, for the local governments in the South have put up barriers to the freedman's progress. They have passed laws that prevent blacks from receiving an education and from mixing with white in public gatherings (also known as "segregation"). Also, the blacks have no education or job experience, so it will be hard for them to find work. When they do find work, they are paid considerably less than their white counterparts. Great work on your assignment. Daddy, Editor-in-Chief

  5. I can spell "thx" (LOL) perfectly, thank you! At least I know e-mail language! LOL Jk Anyway, thx for commenting Editor-in-Chief. I'm glad you except my letter. =D
