October 21, 2009

The Right to Vote

Creative Assigment for the week: You are a suffrage activist in an eastern city, say Philadelphia, and are planning several tactics in order to help bring attention to the women's suffrage issue and to help get women the right to vote. List at least five tactics learned from your reading that your group will use in this undertaking.

1. Persuade the two chosen candidates for their states legislature to pass a law giving women the right to vote if they get chosen, just like Esther Morris.

2. Start your own newpaper to get people thinking adn to get your opinion heard.

3. Birng the matter up in the U.S. Supreme Court and question the 15th admendment. It said that all citizens could vote. Were women not citizens? Women could be taxed, but they couldn't vote. Women could be arrested, but they couldn't serve on a jury.

The 15th Admendment states: The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

4. Organize a friendly protest then your voice will be partially heard.

5. Just like Susan B. Anthony and the 15 other women, march up and take action.

That was all Susan B. Anthony needed to hear. It was November 1, 1872. She and 15 other women marched to a barbershop in Rochester's Eighth Ward. Three men who sat there were registrars. Their job was to register voters. They were stunned by the women's request. The women wanted to be registered to vote. The three men didn't quite know what to do. They argued a bit, but finally agreed. They saw no harm in women voting. -A History of the US by Joy Hakim.

1 comment:

  1. Emma,

    Sounds like you have a great plan worked out for helping obtain women's suffrage! Thanks for the links to Esther Morris and Susant B. Anthony. I had never heard the story of Esther Morris before.

    For the record, I do not encourage voting, because I think it only lends legitimacy and thus more power to an immoral structure known as government.

    Great work!

