October 14, 2009

Words You May Need to Know

Appeal: Taking the case to a higher level.
Civil Case: A case where no laws have been broken.
Criminal Case: Prosecution may not appeal if it loses the case. A case in which a crime was committed.
Jury: Decides on facts of the case.
Defendant: The person on trial.
Prosecutor: The people who are prosecuting the case.
Double-jeopardy: Being tried twice for the same crime.
Witness: Peope who have information about the case.
Arbitrary: Not the same way for each person. Inconsistent.
Aliens: Noncitizens.

1 comment:

  1. Emma,

    Thanks for providing the legal definitions.

    A lot of people don't know that there are civil cases and criminal cases. In a criminal case a law is broken. For example, if someone steals your bicycle, that person would be tried in a criminal case. If your tree falls on your neighbor's house and your neighbor sues you for money to repair his house, that would be a civil case.

    Good work,

