March 25, 2009

General Assignment

In our history “class” I had to pretend that I was Abraham Lincoln’s assistant in 1861. The President is looking for a good general to lead the Union army against the Confederate states. President Lincoln wants me to learn what I can about General Winfield Scott, General McClellan, and General Grant.

If you are interested in learning more about each General click on the links below.
General Winfield Scott

General McClellan

General Grant
Here is the letter:

Dear President Lincoln,
Here are the generals that I recommend for you.

General George Brinton McClellan was born December 3, 1826 in Philadelphia. He is a graduate of the U.S Military Academy at West Point, and a previous railroad superintendent. He is known as the “Young Napoleon”. He is a superb organizer, he is dapper, a good inspirer, and he has a strong body.

General Winfield Scott was born June 13, 1786 in Petersburg, Virginia. He graduated from the College of William and Mary in 1804. Despite his dreadful physical shape, General Scott has a sharp mind and pays superior attention to detail. General Scott thinks the north should blockade southern ports. This means that northern ships would patrol the southern coast and keep ships from entering; but if the south could be kept from trading with Europe it would be trouble. The Confederacy is a farming nation. It does not produce much of anything. If the south wants to fight a war, it will require cash to buy goods, particularly weapons. To get cash it needs to sell its cotton in Europe. A blockade that blocks southern ports would hurt the Confederacy. He also believes that the north should control the Mississippi River, but that would close more ports and stop cotton from being exported. He thinks that we should send armies from the east and west to squeeze the Confederacy.

General Grant was born April 27, 1822 in Point Pleasant, Ohio. He graduated from West Point in 1843. General Grant is small in size, but has been winning battles. He once trapped a whole Confederate army and took all the soldiers prisoners of war.
I believe these three generals have what it takes to lead the army.

Emma Mae CorderKentucky Yankee

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