August 18, 2009

Journal Entry: May 2, 1869

Hello my fellow blog readers! This weeks history assignment: I am the manager of the Pony Express. Below is my journal entry stating my disappointment about the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad for obvious reasons.

May 2, 1869

I'm sitting here at one of the deserted stations belonging to the Pony Express. It seems strange sitting here without hearing the constant whinny of the horses, or pounding of their hooves against the dusty, dirt floor. It was 1862 when our business came to a close. Thats when the first transcontinental telegraph came out. Just hearing the whispers of the excited citizens of America whisper about the telegraph, I knew that our dedication to the country was closing in. Now the first transcontinental railroad has come out. It's mighty fast! It took the Pony Express eight days to get a letter to San Francisco and it takes the railroad ten days to go across the country! The railroad got completed more quickly then I would have expected because the government was giving out subsidys* for each mile of tack that was laid, which made the workers more dedicated. I'm gravely upset that the Pony Express is out of business, but I think that the telegraph and railroad will be a great addition to our country.

*something of value such as money or land.

1 comment:

  1. Emma, I enjoyed reading your creative response to the assignment. I especially liked the details you incorporated (e.g., "whinnying horses") that brought your account to life.

    There were a few typos and misspellings in your report. "Subsidys" should be "subsidies." "Thats when the first..." should be "That's when the first..."

    Thanks for a great report.
