August 25, 2009

Morril Act and Hatch Act

For this weeks assignment, I am a staunch supporter of both the Morril Act and the Hatch Act to help farmers. This weekend I will be attending a party at which several congressional representatives and their wives will be in attendance. I hope to seak with some powerful people in order to express my support for the Morrill and Hatch Acts. Below are my "talking points" that I have made out that I would like to say at the party.

Before we jump into the assignments, let me tell you a little about each act.

Morrill Act: Gives each state large land grants to establish agricultural colleges.

Hatch Act: Established agricultural experiment stations in each state.

Morril Act
  1. People can learn the new experiments.
  2. People could get an education. The people who could not afford college, could come here and get a farming education.
  3. Promote farming. Some city people may think that farming is only about digging a hole in the ground, and sprinkling some seed into it. But these colleges will explain that true farming is more than a hole and some seed.

Hatch Act

  1. *So the colleges don't run out of business.
  2. To encourage farmers to try new technique.
  3. Discover different ways you can use the crop.

*If there weren't any experiment stations then the colleges would run out of business because if no new ideas were coming in then they would lose there students because the students would leave after they learned everything. But if new ideas were coming in then they would keep there students, while at the same time new students are coming.


  1. Emma - Good talking points. Now you can explain to your friends at your next sleep over what the Morrill and Hatch Acts were.

    These two acts touch are lives personally because Papaw's job as a County Agent was funded through the Morril and Hatch Acts. Papaw's job, before he retired, was to teach farmers "in the field" about how to farm better. He is very knowledgeable about farming techniques.

    Good work!


  2. Papaw is 170 years old? Funny. I never knew.

  3. Bro.Ken- Really? Thats neat! I never new that. Thanks!

    emc2013- very funny.
