September 24, 2009

Huckleberry Finn

Well all be! I never thought that there'd be a day when I saw Huck in womans clothes. That women don't know what she talking about. Forming an opinion on someone she ain't yet met. 'Course I'll get used to it, seein' that them people don't think highly of us colored. I don't see why they think I killed Huck. Ain't a black man allowed to hang out with a white boy, without getting accused of murder when this boy ain't seen since last night? I mean I see a little why they be worrryin' since he ain't come home, but Huck ain't meant' to be that boy. He a free boy. He need to come and go when he pleases. But $300! For me? They should just leave me alone, I'll never be caught. Unless....of course....Huck were too....No! Huck wouldn't do such a thing as to turn me in. Would he? For $300!?!? I don't yet know, but I'll still keep an eye out, ready to run if needed. I dare say Huck better get on out of there...

Chapter 11 of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain

1 comment:

  1. Emma,

    Very creative! Jim was in a tight spot, wasn't he? He needed Huck to help him get free but he wasn't for sure if he could trust Huck. Huck, on the other hand, had to do some deep soul searching. He had been told all his life that black people were sub-human and stupid. Now he was realizing that Jim was a man like anyone else and smart, too. Thanks for putting your time and creative effort into this project!

