September 17, 2009

The Tammanay "machine"

This week's assignment: I am an immigrant in America and I am writing to my mother in Ireland talking about the Tammany "machine" and the good it's done for me.


Dear Mother,

I have arrived safely in America, and I am settling into my very small apartment room, thanks to the Tammany "machine". The Tammany "machine" was designed to help immigrants like me.

Different gentlemen involed in the Tammany are offering us money, if we vote for them. I find it's a nice way to earn money, without hard labor, when first settling in to America and getting accustomed to the culture.

America is a great country, and I'm learning new things everyday, but It's nothing like Ireland, and I wish to see you very soon.

With love always,
your son.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Emma - Good work on your letter home to Ireland. Life was very hard in America for Irish immigrants. They had to work menial jobs for low pay, and they were discriminated against harshly by the Nativists, those in America who did not like foreigners moving to "their" country. Political machines like "Tammany Hall" helped ease the burden for the new immigrants. In return the Tammany Hall leaders recieved votes from the Irish to ensure the leaders remained in political office. Thanks for a nice letter. I hope you get back to Ireland soon. - Daddy
