November 17, 2009

Letter from the Centennial Exposition

Dear Mum and Dad,

I have just finished my visit to the Centennial Exposition. The Centennial Exposition is the nations 100th anniversary. It will last for six months!

It showed many brilliant inventions, and I am sorry that I cannot tell you of all of them.

My favorite was the telephone. You can talk with someone miles away through the telephone! The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, who was a scottish immigrant.

The women's building surprised me greatly! It showed fascinating inventions by women, such as the darning machine, life-preserving mattress, and the newspaper, New Century for Woman.

The typewriter was, once again, amazing! There's 26 keys. Each key has a different letter of the alphabet. When you press a key, the letter that was on that key shows up on the paper.

The most popular was the colossal steam engine, invented by George Henry Corlis's. It's 40 feet high! Steam from the engine turns wheels; those wheels pull belts, and the belts make 8,000 smaller machines work!

The funnest part was the small railroad. For a nickle you can ride it aorund the grounds and see George Washington's coat, vest, and pants.

I wish I could write more, but I must go. I will say though, that if you decide to come, you won't be dissapointed.

Your Son,


  1. Quite descriptive, Emma. Wish I could go to the fair with you! Thanks for your work on this assignment. - Daddy

  2. Thanks! I could get you tickets if you wanted.
