August 12, 2010

My name is Theodore Roosevelt, but my family calls me Teedie. I was born October 27, 1858 in New York. I was very sick when I was younger. I had asthma and my eyesight was very poor. It was probably from all the reading I did. I read one book every day! When I was 11 my father sat me aside and told me that I needed to build my body to match my mind, so I took up boxing, hunting, horseback riding, and I rowed. I had always been interested in science. I had 250 different specimens of insects, and decided to set up a natural-history museum in my house. I charged a penny per person and earned quite abit of income...or what I thought was alot when I was a little boy. I never attended a schoolhouse like the other kids in my town. Instead, my parents hired tutors and governesses to teach me and my siblings. My siblings and I were studying art, geography, and history, my parents took us on a year round trip to Europe! I loved playing war with my siblings. I would be a union soldier, but my two sisters and brother never could decide which side to take. The funniest thing that happend to me in my childhood? I was once riding in a streetcar, as an elderly lady walked by. Doing as my father always did, I politely lifted my cap as several frogs fell out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great report. One book a day?! Sound like you. I guess I need to loan you my reading glasses! Thanks again for your work!
